Psp Firmware 3.71m33카테고리 없음 2020. 3. 3. 15:24
Got everything updated without a hitch, but now that I've updated I've come across a hitch! I noticed I couldn't take screenshots like I could with 3.40 OE-A and the Custom Firmware Extender, so I went into the recovery mode and saw that the CFE plugins were disabled so I enabled them, and suddenly the PSP wouldn't boot. I went back into the recovery console and disabled them again and my PSP is fine.
How do I replace CFE? Taking pictures was one of the big reasons I installed custom firmware in the first place, do the M33 fimwares have this function integrated or something? What's the next replacement for CFE?Also a quick question: I had to put the 150.PBP into the root folder of the memory stick to install the newest patch, but can I delete it now? Got everything updated without a hitch, but now that I've updated I've come across a hitch! I noticed I couldn't take screenshots like I could with 3.40 OE-A and the Custom Firmware Extender, so I went into the recovery mode and saw that the CFE plugins were disabled so I enabled them, and suddenly the PSP wouldn't boot. I went back into the recovery console and disabled them again and my PSP is fine.
How do I replace CFE? Taking pictures was one of the big reasons I installed custom firmware in the first place, do the M33 fimwares have this function integrated or something?
What's the next replacement for CFE?Also a quick question: I had to put the 150.PBP into the root folder of the memory stick to install the newest patch, but can I delete it now? Sorry to sound like a noob, but I don't have time at the moment to browse this entire thread.Few questions: I know Lion Wars is said to run better on a slim PSP, so I was wondering how hard it is to hack a slim and dump my copy of Crush and my copy of Lion Wars I just bought onto it? Do I need a fat psp to hack my slim? I have a fat running 3.10 oe-a custom. If it doesn't take much to run a custom on a slim I'd rather do that.What programs can I NOT run on the slim?
Psp Firmware 3.71 M33 Torrent
Can I run scummvm? Can I run all my NES and GB/C games still?I've heard reports that some slim screens are much better/brighter than others, almost as if Sony has outsourced its screen manufacturing to multiple companies. I'll be getting the white slim Vader model, any reports on that model's quality?Mejilan, you know your stuff.
Can you answer these questions? Sorry there's so many, thanks. The easiest way to go to 3.52 M33 is using the 3.52 M33 Winstaller appAnd from there applying the 3.52 M33-4 update is as easy as launching any other app. I dont use it, but its the most n00b friendly way of updating to 3.52 M33.
Enjoy(The winstaller just puts all of the files you need for the update into the proper folders, including all of the official firmware like the 1.50 firmware etc etc. You just run the appropriate app from the games list after its done, just as if you were installing it manually, saves a step or 3. It looks like DarkAleX might perform another minor miracle and get 1.5 running on the slim at some point, since the problem is an incompatible display driver and he wrote a custom one that works on both versions for his universal unbricker. There's a big difference between displaying plain text in monochrome and displaying full games and everything, but it's a step in the right direction and shows that it can be done.I'm waiting for more developments on that front before I go for a slim. For now I'm perfectly happy with my chunky one.